Jamie Bush + Co

Jamie Bush + Co was founded by the Long Island native turned Los Angeles transplant Jamie Bush. We selected Jamie Bush + Co as one of our first designer spotlights as a nod to our origins. We started under our parent company Continental Marble which got it's start in 1984 on Long Island. The other reason though is how amazing the interior design company is at treating stone as the organic material it is. Often the weight and expense of stone has it used sparingly and safely in both home and sometimes even commercial projects however Jamie Bush + Co treat stone like one would treat dough. It's not just a building material in their hands rather they mold the usually had and unmalleable material being rather playful with it. Continue reading below as we analyze some of our favorite material applications of stone featured in their world renowned designs.

Silvertop Project

Silvertop Built-in Fire PitThere are so many special touches in the Silvertop project, a renovation of John Lautner's 1957 biomorphic home overlooking the Silverlake Reservoir in Los Angeles. Jamie Bush + Co teamed up with Bestor Architects and collaborated on the best ways to renovate this gem of a home without losing what made it so special in the first place. They did this by acknowledging that no detail is too small to have a strong impact on the over all design. In the image above you see how the stone curves up from the patio creating a built in firepit. That material and curve is repeated inside the house in the form of baseboards. See image below. The terrazzo is used both in large format tiles for flooring both inside and out as well as molded along the large floor to ceiling windows providing support for the glass as well as creating transition between the building materials showcasing what Jamie Bush + Co does so well, which is to blur the lines between architecture and interior design.

Silvertop Terrazzo Flooring

Malibu Retreat

The next project we want to highlight from Jamie Bush + Co is their Malibu Retreat renovation in a modernist meets beach house aesthetic. The design, especially in the main open concept areas is all about scale. You see that reflected in the use of the greyscale color palette as well as the literal scale of objects in the rooms. The result is an elevated modern look that still manages to exude tranquility and warmth despite the limited color palette.

Malibu Retreat Side Kitchen View

The kitchen carries on the greyscale colors reflected in a fabulous quartzite, Terra Bianca. With greys, blues, whites, and browns the natural stone is the perfect addition to complete the space. Usually when the phrase "neutral colors" is brought up your mind goes to white or beige but here it means the island is like Switzerland, it's not taking a side, not favoring one color over the other or throwing anything in the space out of balance, it's neutral. And see a neutral material still be colorful and dynamic is such a rare treat that once again elevates the design and conceptual ideas from Jamie Bush + Co. We will keep our spotlight on them eagerly waiting to see what they do next.

Malibu Retreat Greyscale Kitchen